
Our resource library provides you with the information and tools necessary to guide and support your journey to optimal health.

The Root Causes of Disease Video

Did you know external factors we face on a daily basis have just as much of an impact on how we feel as internal ones? It's true! Dr. Traci gets to the root of it in this video. Plus, she created a free download to help you identify the internal and external factors that may be impacting your own health!

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Connecting Your Dots Printable

This free download will help you identify the external and internal factors that may be impacting your health. Be sure to check out the “The Root Causes of Disease” video, too, for more detail!

TED-ED: Why do we have crooked teeth when our ancestors didn't?

This insightful TED-Ed video is full of great information about why our ancestors had perfect teeth but modern day humans don't. According to the fossil record, ancient humans usually had straight teeth, complete with wisdom teeth. In fact, the dental dilemmas that fuel the demand for braces and wisdom teeth extractions today appear to be recent developments. So, what happened? While it’s nearly impossible to know for sure, scientists have a hypothesis. G. Richard Scott shares the prevailing theory on crooked teeth.

TED. (2023, May 2). Why do we have crooked teeth when our ancestors didn't? | G. Richard Scott [Video]. YouTube.

A Doctor Who Understands

As an osteopathic family doctor, wife, mother, daughter, niece, cousin and friend, Dr. Traci has been helping patients connect their dots and find health for twenty years.
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